Many people who use computers and many of them just a newbie computer users, they are not having enough knowledge about computers.
Now the writer will give way to display the hidden files, or hide a file (hidden files) by using the command prompt (CMD / DOS / Batch).
To run Command Prompt in the windows do this steps:
Method 1: Start> All programs> Accessories> Command Prompt
Method 2: Start> run> type "cmd"> OK (enter)
Method 3: Windows Logo + R> type "cmd"> OK (Enter)
How to Hide File?
1> Go to CMD by (choose one)
- Start> All programs> Accessories> Command Prompt
- Start> Run> type "cmd"> OK (enter)
- Windows Logo + R> type "cmd"> OK (Enter)
2> Go to where the files / folders are
3> Type attrib +a +r +s +h "[filename].[Extension]" /s /d
4> Check if the file already terhidden
* To show the file, just change "+a +r +s +h to -a -r -s -h"
Happy Learning
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